Sunday 30 December 2012

An Absolutely Inappropriate First Post

Ok. I dont know where to begin as the vague thoughts that are swimming in my head make no sense. I just think i want to write. But write about what. I have no idea what to write about. So I'll write in brief about everything that's been going on. I'd like to be stoned at this moment because then I think I will feel a li'l bit less jobless while writing this post. You know there's this movie "Jack Reacher" I saw today. And it made absolutely no sense. It's sad to see an actor like Tom Cruise loose his way like this.  Anyways there's also this book called "The Perks of being a Wallflower" and lately it's been influencing my writing a lot. The author has a Russian-ish name, something like Chobsky. Anyways it's a great book. Actually my current favorite book and it's also the book I'm going to gift my girlfriend. Then we have "The Casual Vacancy". It's beautifully written and very subtle, if by subtle you mean the slow kind of beauty, like the water  flowing silently below the Golden Gate Bridge and I give the example keeping in mind that the observer is standing on the bridge (observing the water closely might reveal its actually very "frenzied" and also freezing cold but that is unrelated). So anyways the book in question is a excellent example of an author trying something very drastically and also dramatically different from her previous works and also being quite successful in it.

PS- My mom is shouting while I am typing this so my chain of thought may go completely ashtray. 

Shit! I forgot what I was thinking about the damn book. OK.

You know people get into teenage relationships thinking that they have some deep meaningful connection and then after the "new-found-love" fades they drift apart because the "Spark" isn't anymore. I tend to laugh at these guys as they are completely missing the point of a "Teenage" relationships. (By the way, pardon me if you think I am too judgmental or strongly opinion-ed. I tend to be a little more open minded but right now I am not in the mood. And also my  mom cooks awesome dal and rice and one of my seniors at BITS told me to not to use "awesome"  so easily but the food I am eating is heaven!)

Yeah, so relationships. More specifically teenage relationships. In my view, two people of opposite gender (or not) can have fun together and by fun I mean   all kinds of fun- Intellectual, Nonsensical, Physical,the list goes on and on. If the can remain committed they can add meaning with time and after a long time the relationship can get deep and very meaningful. But the main point is right now to have fun. Get out there and fun.

Okay. I think I am done.

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