Tuesday 15 January 2013

Computer is a binary digital system.

I am attending this lecture- CS F110 and I simply can't concentrate at all. I can think of a hundred things but nothing has to do anything with a lecture. And since I have not posted in a long time it seems alright to me to type a post as the professor rambles on.

The last few days have been a little enlightening but then we always learn something each day so in a sense each day is a bit enlightening for us so let's just say the last few days have given me more to think about than an average day.

I've realized ( and it may seem obvious to many but sadly I too a longer than average time to appreciate it) that the people who work hard and do things are actually happier than those who are laid back and take things lite.

The last semester I was laid back and easy going and I realized at the end of it there was a lot of negativity in me. I know people may beg to differ and give me big fancy "psychological" reasons or some other kind of logic but some how deep down I know that it's just that I didn't do anything.

( I don't know why but suddenly I feel kind of sleepy and tired)

You know, it's a total sucker to feel that you wasted all your time when you could have done so many things and grown in so many ways. And this is what I am going to do this semester and believe me writing this post is a part of my plan.

I know that probably many people might feel that it is not work but other "deeper" things that add meaning to life but my point is the purpose is not adding meaning to life ( it's probably there in Oxford's dictionary, I know it's a bad joke) but rather living it and to feel alive you need to do things and hope that you can find what you really like and do it all your life and to do that you'd need to try everything, every damn thing that comes your way.
'Cause otherwise how can you truly be side what you really like. And that's what I'm gonna do. Now it may happen that you find something along the way and wish to get settled at it but then to do that you'd need to try everything that came before it and also if you did like that thing a lot. Does that mean the rest of the things the world has to offer are not worth the shot? How would you know? You already settled on something. You allowed your life to become monotonous . The key is to change and change in what way Nd at what speed and how are you going to carry along all those you love and make them involved in your life as you go hitchhiking along the years. And is the change that's is so random and so uncertain any good at all. Is it worth. What if the people arp s you want you to settle. Why should you not? They are what make your life . But then a constant dull life woe be life at all. Okay my though line just went dead.

So you know "Somebody's Me" is an awsome some. Whisky made me listen to it and although I don't like Enrique a lot as in he's not on any of my playlists but that song is like super cool. It has awesome guitar playing in the background and I'm learning guitar and its gonna be the first song I learn.

Have you watched the move "Click". It's probably one of the few Sandler movies that mange to make you smile and cry. Ooh! That's irony. Anyways, my point is its a good movie. Not a great movie but I would definitely recommend it do watch it. Smile people! There is still light in this world. And also Penelope Cruz.

Okay. I'm done.

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